Twenty Question to Ask about Your Systems

  1. What system is used for answering the telephones?
  2. What system is used for billing?
  3. How are these two systems connected?
  4. What system is used for strategic planning?
  5. What system is used for performance evaluation?
  6. What system is used to decide who is best equipped to make new things happen in the company?
  7. What overall production system do you use?
  8. What's your system of marketing?
  9. in what ways do these systems interface and influence each other?
  10. How are records kept in your organization?
  11. What is the most necessary kind of information that tends to be unavailable?
  12. What kind of system redesign would make this necessary information available?
  13. How do you know whether a system is effective or not?
  14. If you want to improve a system, how do you get the information you'll need in order to do so?
  15. How do you discover the need for a system where there isn't any system yet in operation?
  16. How do people redesign their systems so they can improve their work environment?
  17. What learning systems do you use in your company?
  18. How do the systems in your company learn?
  19. What are all the different ways communications take place in your organization?
  20. What systems exist for handling grievances of all types?

Twenty Questions About Your Systems pages 210-211 from Ten Steps to a Learning Organization by Peter Kline and Bernard Saunders Great Ocean Publishers Inc. Arlington, Virginia 1993.